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What is Egg Donation Process?

Egg Donation Process

Being an egg donor does not happen just like that, even if someone is donating only for a friend or relative. Several Egg Donation Agencies can provide their support and guidance and hold until the end of the process. Egg donors are compensated financially for their generosity, and indeed it is an act that brings happiness in someone else’s life who may be a stranger to you. Certainly, it also involves time, effort, discomfort, and pain that cannot be compensated otherwise.

An Egg Donor is a woman who is willing to donate her eggs to be used by those women who cannot produce the eggs which are healthy enough to be combined with sperms to create an embryo. Such women are unable to conceive thus, left with the option of either seeking egg donation or surrogacy to enjoy the pleasures of motherhood. Egg Donation works well for gay couples too.

A potential egg donor has to meet certain criteria which the egg donor agency sets. It includes an age limit, not more than forty, enjoying good physical and mental health, no criminal records, or smoking habits. It is preferable if an egg donor has had a successful pregnancy. Listed are some of the key points that are taken care of:

  • Once this all is clear, a Pre-Registration form will be filled, which states the basic information of the egg donor. One of the coordinators from the agency contacts her and sets up an appointment. Here, the agency representative shares the information and makes the donor aware of the procedure and the potential risks involved.
  • The agencies also make her go through the Initial Screening, which may involve a physician to assess her general health.
  • Once the screening test is clear and passed, the next step begins, which is matching. This step involves the donor being selected as the matching egg donor by the recipients from the database provided by the agency.
  • The donor needs to go through the requirement of FDA blood tests to rule out communicable diseases.
  • Next step involves using injectable medicines to suppress the natural cycle to synchronize with the recipient’s cycle. One also has to administer injections to stimulate ovarian action to produce multiple eggs to mature.

During the entire process, the donor is monitored closely, and her blood tests and ultrasound will be conducted from time to time. On the other hand, the recipient is also being prepared to receive the eggs. Finally, when the ultrasound report reveals egg development, the Egg Retrieval process begins under anesthesia. The eggs are retrieved with the help of an aspiration needle. The donor will have to take a day’s rest, and a Post Retrieval test must be conducted to ensure her recovery.

We at Rite Options ensure that the egg donors and recipients benefit from the process with minimum risk and maximum results. We apply our knowledge and experience in providing only the best to our donors and recipients, and everyone across the globe appreciates our services.

To learn more about our egg donation process, contact Rite Options.

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